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We All Need Support

November 12, 2011
Being a caregiver can be overwhelming and exhausting.  I find myself second guessing decisions I’ve made, upset with myself for losing patience, or frustrated with not getting everything crossed off of my list of tasks.  I worry about whether Dad is active enough, whether he is getting enough sleep and whether his knees are becoming more painful.  I mourn each loss of skill as it appears.
It’s been so important to have the support of other people.  My husband and daughters are wonderful. They are always looking for ways to give me a break.  They make sure I get some time to myself regularly.  They help me laugh about our situation.
I also have some wonderful cousins who ask me how things are going and encourage me to talk about my concerns and frustrations.  They confirm my decisions and dismiss my feelings of inadequacy.
Thank you to each of my supporters.  I couldn’t have done this without you!
2 Comments leave one →
  1. November 12, 2011 8:57 am

    I am glad you have such a great group of family to help support you through this journey. Your stories have such a sweetness and your sense of humor and love for your dad shows with every post. It is not easy but it sounds like you are doing a wonderful job.

  2. August 29, 2013 2:35 am

    I am into my 12th year, and what keeps me going is this is exactly what I should be doing. You are so fortunate to have such a wonderful family support system.

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